To attract more footwear Customers, PrimaLoft® needed eye-catching assets that make an impact.

My goal was to capture the fun and expressive individuality that footwear brings, inspiring Customers to imagine the possibilities of incorporating PrimaLoft® insulation into their products. I took a creative approach by illustrating various styles of footwear, which were then brought to life with animation through a partner production agency. As the Creative on this project, I lead from initial concept, storyboard, copy, and key-frame art.



Creative was carried further through a full suite of assets hosted on PrimaLoft’s B2B portal for Sales and Customers to access.


As an additional Sales tool and a leave behind for Customers, a printed asset featuring key creative and further in depth information was developed.

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BTS Reel from the production agency, ORT Motion:


Key-frame illustrations that served as the blueprint for the final video, ensuring a cohesive style and visually compelling outcome: