When your Why? is as big as the Planet, you never stop solving for How?

PrimaLoft is revolutionizing manufacturing with P.U.R.E.—"Produced Using Reduced Emissions"—a proprietary technology that significantly reduces CO2 emissions. As the creative lead, I played a key role in naming the platform and designing the logo mark. For the launch videos, my goal was to emotionalize the technology's positive impact on the planet. From concept to copy and art direction, I collaborated with a partner agency to bring the final video to life.

The P.U.R.E. logo mark to acts as a stamp, symbolizing sustainable practices on customers' final garments:

I designed a series of infographics using visual elements from the P.U.R.E. platform video, ensuring consistency across the launch. These infographics were utilized across print, digital, and event materials:

With the help of a partner agency, the infographics were brought to life:

My copywriting resonated strongly within the company, specifically the closing statement outlining PrimaLoft’s Why? It’s since become a rally cry and guide post for employees, and a major part of how they position themselves outwardly: